Muay thai Cristian Dessì vs Danilo Murroni Fast and furious

Nulvi December 22th, 2013 — The “Fast and the Furious 3 — Cage Fight 9″ will be archived with 6 wins, three fight equal and a “no contest” to be played at the earliest opportunity. It is closed so last night, with a good success with the public, the event that, for the first time in Sardinia, has allowed the fighter of the best schools of Muay Thai and MMA of the island clash within an octagonal cage. Two fighters have also received the trophies “City of Nulvi ” for the best athletes of Muay Thai (Samuel Cuccuru ) and MMA (Alessandro Bazzoni).

Sparks in the first meeting Muay Thai between Cristian Dessi (Brigadores fight club Nulvi ) and Danilo Murroni (Tai Kadai Nuoro) in the 75 kg category. The meeting, which showed off the technical skills of the two athletes, ended in a draw.

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