Great Muay thai Pietro Camoglio vs Giuseppe Sechi

Nulvi December 22nd, 2013 — The “Fast and the Furious 3 — Cage Fight 9″ will be archived with 6 wins, three fight equal and a “no contest” to be played at the earliest opportunity. It is closed so last night, with a good success with the public, the event that, for the first time in Sardinia, has allowed the fighter of the best schools of Muay Thai and MMA of the island clash within an octagonal cage. Two fighters have also received the trophies “City of Nulvi ” for the best athletes of Muay Thai (Samuele Cuccuru ) and MMA (Alessandro Bazzoni).

Muay Thai still in the limelight with the other host, the Italian champion third series Giuseppe Sechi (Brigadores Fight Club Nulvi) opposite the Italian Open 2012 champion Pietro Camoglio (Tarantini Muay Thai Boxing). It was a match with sparks, with the two never dominant until the end of the three shots. The two, very good technically, they sported their best shots involving the entire audience of the building. Pietro Camoglio then won on points.

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Andrea Bazzoni - Gestione Uffici Stampa
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